Khan Academy Hour of Code
Today we are learning about coding through Khan Academy. Students worked through a range of tutorials and experimented with creating snowmen and other pictures.
Here are couple of examples from the early stages of our coding.
The main part of Hannah N's Snowman
Milan's start to a face.
Sita's duck.
We will share more as we explore coding.
Rimu Class students explore and enjoy Coding.
Update...We can add colour-
What do you mean the teacher doesn't know how to use coding? |
Nathan on code: Keen to code for more than an hour. It keeps my brain working hard. |
Caleb: It is really good because it gets our brains switched on and working. It gets us frustrated but it's fun figuring out what you can do.
Callum: I really like it because you can work at it as a team to figure out the codes.
Nathan's code creation
Hannah O's portrait of Amelia |
The 'Hour of Code' is a nationwide initiative by Computer Science Education Week and to introduce millions of students to one hour of computer science and computer programming. Created by Pamela Fox.